Microsoft Bing Homepage Quiz "This or That", Which country has a shorter coastline? You can check complete list here for your todays bing quiz. In this or that quiz, you need to pick one among 2 options. Here we provide you a complete list of correct answers (alphabet wise or order wise), you can pick your answer according to your question set.

List Ordered In Alphabetical Order

Albania - 476 km

Belgium - 69 km

Bosnia and Herzegovina - 20 km

Brunei -160 km

Cambodia - 440 km

Comoros - 340 km

Djibouti - 314 km

El Salvador - 307 km

Ghana - 537 km

Guatemala - 330 km

Guinea - 320 km

Guinea-Bissau - 350 km

Guyana - 459 km

Iraq - 58 km

Ivory Coast - 515 km

Kuwait - 499 km

Latvia - 531 km

Liberia - 680 km

Nauru - 30 km

Puerto Rico - 501 km

Sierra Leone - 483 km

Singapore - 193 km

Suriname - 386 km

Togo - 56 km

Tonga - 419 km

Tuvalu - 24 km

Bing Homepage Quiz This or That: Earn five points per question - up to 50 points total - when you answer correctly.